Make Come Follow Me a Succes at Home – 5 Tips

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Does this sound familiar?

You know that you should read Come Follow Me as a family, but every time you do, there is resistance from at least one person.

Time is always short, and your patience ends up even shorter.

You want to strengthen you family by helping them to build their lives on the foundation of Jesus Christ, but why is it so difficult?

Allow me to help you set up your family’s Come Follow Me for success!

Tip #1 – Strategize the Timing

Maybe it’s just me, but that hour or two right before dinner is my hardest part of the day. I bustle around the kitchen, carrying my one year old, and it seems like everyone (even our dog) needs something from me. My energy is spent, I’m hungry, and my patience is being stretched. Does that seem like a good time to have a Come Follow Me lesson?

No, obviously not.

But what if those are the only few hours I have with my whole family at home? Could I change this time into a good time for Come Follow Me?

Yes, it’s possible!

Let’s say that I determined that this was the only time that would work before I need to go to a church activity and kids go down for bed. Instead of making something for dinner that’s so hands-on, I should plan ahead to assemble dinner earlier in the day or week. While that meal is heating in the oven or pressure cooker, I have time to read Come Follow Me with my family.

Find a time when everyone is home, then strategize what to change to make time for Come Follow Me. Maybe everyone needs to get up 30-45 minutes early. If that’s off limits, everyone could get ready for school and work the night before. It’ll be easier to get everyone on board when you have activities to look forward to, which brings us to the next tip!

Tip #2 – Plan Something to Look Forward to

This tip applies to both you and your kids! I remember growing up with daily family scripture study where we just read straight from the scriptures without much discussion. It was so BORING. Don’t get me wrong, it was still a great family gathering time and I learned that scripture time was important. Why else would my parents go through the aggravation that my siblings and I would throw at them?

Despite the lack of creativity in my family’s scripture study, I remember looking forward to ice cream sundaes after Family Home Evening every Monday. Did you grow up with desert after FHE? I did, at least until my parents started to eat a healthier diet! They made an exception for donuts after cleaning the church building though. Those donuts made me love when my family was signed up for cleaning!

So, try to incorporate some sort of “donut” into your family’s Come Follow Me. In my weekly Come Follow Me lessons, I incorporate activities, videos, sometimes treats, but always something that our family can look forward to. Come Follow Me and gospel study don’t need to be boring, nor should they be!

The Come Follow Me manual says, “Children learn gospel truths more effectively when these truths are taught repeatedly through a variety of activities.” So not only can activities serve as the bait on the hook to get kids engaged and looking forward to Come Follow Me, but they make learning more effective!

I like to plan multiple activities to be excited for in the week, but I always change it up. Variety is the spice of life!

The manual and the Friend magazine have wonderful activities that I like to use, but I also like to make my own. If you would like to see my free weekly Come Follow Me lesson ideas, feel free to sign up for my email list at the ends of this post!

Tip #3 – Get Everyone On Board

With something planned that even you look forward to, You know the saying: You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Sometimes we find ourselves making excuses for our sour attitude. Have a family councel and share your feelings about how you want to better incorporate Come Follow Me into Family Life. Align schedules and plan your time together in the morning so that everyone knows to expect family COme FOllow Me time at a specific time after they come home. Find a time when everyone is home, then strategize what to change to make time for Come Follow Me. Maybe everyone needs to get up 30-45 minutes early. If that’s off limits, everyone could get ready for school and work the night before.

Tip #4 – Set Everyone Up for Success

make sure no one is hungry, it’s not too close to bed, etc Mornings and evenings can be challenging because that’s when everyone is low on energy. My solution – have a meal or plan some healthy snacks to eat during Come Follow Me! Apple sauce, a cheese stick, sugar snap peas, or Ants-on-a-log are my go-to snacks. That should keep them busy while you get an interactive Come Follow Me lesson going! Take some time to think of each member of your family’s needs. full tummies, no too close to bed time, attention needs are met. Pre plan so you’re not.

even if it’s not ideal, some Come Follow Me is better than none!

Bite sized portions throughout the week, or once on Sunday if there’s not enough time together on a weekday.

Tip #5- Routine and Consistency

As you routinely incorporate interactive activities, videos, and time to connect with their family, your kids will come to look forward to Come Follow Me time.

There will always be an adjustment period, but once your family gets into a routine, your kids will expect it and may even remind you that it’s time for Come Follow Me.